
Motto: "Hands ON = Minds ON"

In this course, students are motivated to work more with computers: create cloud applications, use cloud tools, apart from activities in which they have to organize technical events for juniors/prepare video lecture about the application development process.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Answer class-room quizzes using your cell-phones

1) Download the app from - bit.ly/sdmapp1 or https://www.dropbox.com/s/xztppasswhyssu4/KanheriEduV0.1.apk

[It might be required to change security settings of your phone , to accept apps from unknown source.]

2) Open the app, choose, QUIZ and answer the quiz.

For any queries, please contact - basuhampali@gmail.com [Mr. Basavaraj Hampali, M - 09619325671, 2007-2011, Alumnus, CSE Dept, SDMCET]